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Spay / Neuter Information ...

S.A.F.E. Animal Haven - Spay/Neuter program - Photo of dog with pups
S.A.F.E. Animal Haven - Spay/Neuter your pets to help ease shelter overcrowding and euthanasia

What do Spay and Neuter actually mean?

  • Female dogs and cats are spayed by removing their reproductive organs, and male dogs and cats are neu­tered by removing their testicles. In both cases, the operation is performed while the pet is under anes­thesia. Depending on your pet's age, size and health, he or she will stay at your veterinarian's office for a few hours or a few days. Depending upon the proce­dure, your pet may need stitches removed after a few days. Your veterinarian can fully explain spay and neuter procedures to you and discuss with you the best age to which to steril­ize your pet. 


Spaying and Neutering are good for your Pet

  • Spaying and neutering help dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives. 

  • Spaying and neutering can eliminate or reduce the incidence of a number of health problems that can be very difficult and/or expensive to treat.

  • Spaying eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer, particularly when your pet is spayed before her first es­trous cycle. 

  • Neutering eliminates testicular cancer and decreases the inci­dence of prostate disease. 

Spaying and Neutering are good for You

  • Spaying and neutering make pets better, more affectionate companions.

  • Neutering cats makes them less likely to spray and mark territory.

  • Spaying a female dog or cat eliminates their heat cycle.  In dogs, estrus lasts an average of 6-12 days, often twice a year, and in cats, an average of 6-7 days, three or more times a year.  Females in heat can cry incessantly, show nervous behavior, and attract unwanted male animals.

  • Unsterilized animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than do those who have been spayed or neutered.

  • Spaying and neutering can make pets less likely to bite.

  • Neutering makes pets less likely to roam the neighborhood, run away, or get into fights. 

Spaying and Neutering Are Good for the Community 

  • Stray pets and homeless animals get into trash containers, defecate in public areas or on private lawns, and frighten or anger people who have no understanding of their misery or needs. 

  • Animal shelters are overburdened with surplus animals, many of whom are deemed unadoptable and are therefore euthanized to combat the overcrowding. Our local shelters euthanize hundreds of animals every year whose only crime was existing in a world that has too many unwanted animals.

  • Irresponsible breeding contributes to the problem of animal overpopulation, dog bites and attacks. 

  • Communities spend millions of dollars to control unwanted ani­mals. 

SAFE Animal Haven - Shelter dog with pups
SAFE Animal Haven - Mama dog with pups in shelter
SAFE Animal Haven "Peanuts Gang" pups - ready for adoption

S.A.F.E. Animal Haven Rescue is a North Carolina 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are an all-volunteer organization and have no paid staff and we do not have any shelter facilities. All animals are housed by volunteer fosters.

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